FSR Verkehr


Election Time! Thank you for 35% voter turnout in December 2023!
This is the highest rate throughout the whole university.

Whom can I vote for?

This is pretty straightforward: Students from all our faculty!

Five different committees need to be filled with new student members: the Student Council, the Senate, the Extended Senate, the Faculty Council and the Department Council. In each of these bodies there are students who represent all our student’s interests and have a say in the future of the university, faculties and degree programmes.

It is possible to declare your candidacy for the Student Council at the FSR office until 14 November 2023 at 15:00. You can find the necessary form here. (Printed forms are available in the FSR office)

Further information on the committees can be found under “What do I vote for?” further down on this page.

Why should I vote?

Because elections are basically a good opportunity to influence and shape things.

Students can contribute their experiences and observations from a very large number of people. Your interests are not represented – as in the Bundestag – by political parties vying for voters’ favour, but by individual volunteers who make decisions together. That is why it is important that you vote. Only through a high voter turnout can we show that our students are behind us. This significantly increases the power of our arguments!

When and where can I vote?

The university elections 2024 will probably take place in the December. Last year they took place from 05 Dec til 07 Dec in the foyer near POT/13 in front of the FSR office:

  • 05.12.2023: 10:30 – 17:00 Uhr
  • 06.12.2023: 10:30 – 17:00 Uhr
  • 07.12.2023: 10:30 – 17:00 Uhr

In past years the candidates offered free christmas cookies, mulled wine and non-alcoholic children’s punch during this times.

In past years elections you could participate in a postal vote as well. You can find further information on this here.

What do I vote for?

You can elect the student council, as well as the student representatives of the faculty council, the departmental council, the senate, the extended senate, and the student equal opportunity representative. You should know the student council by now. You have three votes for it, which you can distribute among one to three candidates as you wish.

In addition to the student council, you also elect student members to other committees: To the Faculty Council (two), which manages the fate of the entire faculty, to the Divisional Council (three), to the Senate (four), which is responsible for the entire university, and to the Extended Senate, which meets only for the election of the rector and the adoption of basic regulations (four more).

How can I vote?

Just be there in the foyer, take your student ID with you and the election committee will hand you your ballot papers.

Where can I find additional information?

For more information, check the Student Council or the University.

If you have any questions, you can always contact us.