The hunt for Mr.X at Dies Academicus
The hunt for Mr.X at Dies Academicus

The hunt for Mr.X at Dies Academicus

You like difficult tasks, you like combinating und solving riddles in a group? You ever wanted to hunt a searched person and to catch him by combinating and luring him into a trap? You ever wanted to be those searched person? Then you are just right at the FSR for the Dies Academicus. There we want to play the Boardgame “Scotland Yard” in real life. And you can be a part of it. Be in a group to hunt Mr.X and tries to catch him by surrounding him. Or try the other side, and be with your group faster than the detectives, to get away from the hunters. 

At the Dies Academicus (5.6.2024) you can try all of that. Be ready for the most passionate chase of the year. 

The meeting point is on 05.06.24 at 11.00 am in the foyer of the Potthoff building (in front of the FSR office / POT 12). The game will be played in small teams, one team member needs WhatsApp.

We look forward to seeing you!