Candidates 2024/25
In this year’s election of the Transport Sciences Student Council, 20 seats are to be filled once again. There are 30 students running to represent you as a student council. In order to simplify the election decision and to get to know the candidates, they introduce themselves below with a motivational text.
For more detailed information on the members, scroll down this page. They are presented in the order shown above, sorted alphabetically by the first names of the candidates.

Aaron Max Ebmeyer
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Specialization: Sys-BÖV
Semester: 4
I’m Aaron, originally from Potsdam, and currently your go-to person for public relations. Maybe you’ve seen me at the freshman orientation or the Penta-Games – I organized both events and had the chance to meet some of you there.
I love planning activities that bring our student community together and make sure everyone has a great time.
I’d be thrilled to keep working for you. So swing by during the elections and treat yourself to some mulled wine! 🙂

Anthony Raab
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Specialisation: BAS
Semester: 5
Hallo, Olá, Namaste, Ni Hao, Merhaba, Jambo and Good Day!
With my candidacy, I would like to participate more actively in the various events of the student council,
campaign for a better integration of international students and for the introduction of the Awareness Initiative at our faculty.
Make your votes count 😉

Björn Tammo Wagenknecht
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Semester: 3
I was already an elected member of the student council in the last legislature and also represented our student council in the StuRa – back in the days when there was still a Carola Bridge!
I would like to continue in both of these positions in the upcoming year, but I need your vote for this:
Sustainability at events and in university development
Anti-fascism: not a foot of right-wing nonsense on campus!

Cecilia Schultz
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Semester: 3
My name is Cecilia and I‘m 20 years old. I‘ve already been working in the student council and I would like to continue this in the upcoming year as an elected member.
For me it is important to be available for all students of our faculty, especially female ones.
I‘d be glad to get your vote!

Clemens Freydank
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Semester: 1
I‘m new here at the Pot but have been in committees similar to the FSR for 8 years and I organize and plan much in my free time. I’d like to have your vote, if not, thanks for reading.

Erik Moritz
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Semester: 1
So that the student-FSR bridge remains stable!
Before any more bridges are broken in Dresden, I would like to maintain the stable connection between students and the FSR.
It is important that the FSR continues to publicise and strengthen its activities. A greater Instagram presence should provide more insights into the work. This will also allow outsiders to find out more about the FSR’s activities and their importance. The informal atmosphere with which I was welcomed during my introduction should be maintained at all costs. This can make it easier for new students to get started in this phase. It is particularly important to keep the quality of the ESE at a high level when they start their studies. I would like to work towards this and support the planning and realisation. In this way, we can make it much easier for new students to connect with each other, which is very important for their studies. After all, they also need a bridge from their school leaving certificate, vocational training etc. to university life!

Fabio Lange
Study course: Railway System Engineering
Semester: 1
You want more cool events during the semester and an FSR that is close to the students?
Then elect me as a member of the FSR.
With the experience of three years of student council work and two years of board work in Erfurt, I would now also like to stand up for all students in Dresden and give us the best possible time during our studies.

Florian Boden
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Semester: 3
Hey, I’m Flo,
I’m from south-west Germany and I’ve been working with the FSR for (almost) a year. I was mainly involved in the ESE last year and would now like to continue this as an elected member.
But I would also like to get involved in the summer party, the freshmen’s hut and other FSR events in the future.
To do this, I need your vote(s), and I would be delighted to have your trust.

Frank Bonsong Segovia
Study course: Railway System Engineering
Semester: 1
Hello everyone,
My name is Frank Bonsong Segovia and I’m a first year Railway System Engineering student. I havebeen passionate about mobility since I was a child. Rail transport is particularly close to my heart.
I would like to work as your representative in the Student Council to represent the railway systemengineers in the Student Council. I would also like to contribute to the Student Council in terms ofstudy-related events, such as ESE.
I ask for your vote and look forward to your support in setting the course for our successful future in the field of Transport Sciences.
Best regards, Frank

Harsh Ashwinbhai Domadiya
Study course: Air Transport and Logistics
Semester: 1

Jacob Kallert
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Specialisation: BAS
Semester: 5
Hello everyone,
I’m Jacob and I’ve been a member of the FSR for two years now and last year I served as spokesperson together with Victor. Additionally, I was part of the Study Commission and the Examination Board for the transportation engineering courses. Next year, I would like to continue my work as spokesperson and am now running for the Faculty Council for the first time.
But now I don’t want to bother you any longer and hope that you will vote and perhaps make me happy with your vote.
Thank you

Jakob Wilhelm Wolff
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Semester: 1
Hello everyone,
It helped me a lot that the FSR supported us freshman at the beginning of this semester and is our first point of contact. I found my way into the course very well and was able to make contacts straight away. Although I’ve only been at the faculty for a few months, I would like to volunteer for the FSR, especially to represent the freshman.
I am motivated to support the FSR because I have already been involved in several organizations and also as an assistant at the Dresden Park Railway. In addition to the transport issues in my life, I am also interested in politics. That’s why I would like to gain experience in the FSR at the university and help shape our faculty. I would be delighted if you would give me your trust and allow me to be an elected member of the FSR and help shape your everyday life at the university and make the faculty more sustainable.
Thank you very much.

Jan Hendrik Müller
Study course: Transportation Economics (Bachelor)
Semester: 1
Hello everyone,
I came here from the Hamburg area at the beginning of October to study the bachelor transport economics.
I quickly noticed that the FSR works well and also has a strong influence on the faculty.
I have set myself the goal of maintaining and further expanding this influence.

Jannis Raabe
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Specialisation: BAS-BÖV
Semester: 6
Hello everyone,
two years of FSR are now behind me and it’s still a lot of fun, so I’m looking forward to a third.
Last year, for example, I digitized the collection of exams so that you no longer have to spend the exam period at our printer. One project for the coming year would be to finally enable card payment at our events. But there’s always plenty more to do to keep things going.
You can also elect me to the Faculty Council this year so that I can represent student interests beyond the FSR.
With this in mind: go and vote and maybe put a few crosses in my favor. Thank you!

Jonas Buchhold
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Semester: 1
Hi, after completing my education, I started studying to become a traffic engineer and realized that the FSR offers a cool opportunity to get additionally involved.
I would therefore be happy if you would give me the opportunity to influence what is happening here at the university and to represent your interests here as an FSR member

Kelvin Dsouza
Study course: Air Transport and Logistics
Semester: 1
Hello Everyone,
As a candidate, I aim to serve as a bridge between students and their concerns, ensuring everyone’s voice is heard and addressed effectively. I am particularly passionate about creating a welcoming environment for international students. My goal is to help them settle into Dresden with ease through engaging, cozy events that foster a sense of community and belonging.
I look forward to your support in making our student community stronger and more inclusive.
Thank you!

Lennart Wille
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Semester: 3
My name is Lennart. I have already been an elected member of the FSR in the Last year. Among many other things, I have co-organized the Freshmen introduction and helped at the summer mixer.
I would like to continue this work in a student council which is open for your issues at any time. By connecting with other traffic student councils I want to bring new ideas to our faculty.
I would be very glad, if you‘d support me with your vote!

Leon Hausmann
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Semester: 1
I am Leon, 19 years old, from Aschaffenburg (near Frankfurt) and I have been studying traffic engineering since October.
Right from the start, I was able to experience a great community here, which thrives not least on the diverse events and joint activities. I want to get involved for you and help with the planning and implementation of these (with a lot of dedication at the barbecue and beer pull!).
Vote for the community! … And also for me 🙂

Linus Czech
Study course: Railway System Engineering
Semester: 1
Hop on board, I’m bringing a fresh breeze to the tracks. Let’s set the signals to go and get student life rolling full steam ahead! 🙂
A triple choo choo 🫡🚂

Lionel Poulain
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Semester: 1
Moin Moin and Grüß Gott,
I suppose right now you are sitting bored at your laptop looking the candidatures for FSR election and rather not thinking that you will vote at all. And if you did, who should you vote for anyway? Or maybe you already know exactly whom to vote for and are just looking at this for amusement. Anyway I have five strong arguments why to overthink yourself and to go vote and and set your crosses for Lionel Poulain:
1. If you like to challenge yourself by spelling and pronouncing others famillynames right, I’m the right candidat for you
2. One candidate as crunchy and as tasty as chocolat Poulain
3. Fresh air from the North Sea always fits well to FSR
4. Sometimes you have to try something new
5. I’ve two years experience in youth work. I organized a group of 30 children from six to eleven years old. We would meet once a week and go on trips for some week-ends
Of course I vote for Lionel. Whom else!?

Lukas Doya Seybold
Study course: Transportation Economics (Bachelor)
Semester: 3
Transportation Economics needs more visibility in the FSR. You think so too? Then vote for me!
I want to work in Public Relations and debate in the FSR.
In the past I was involved in EUROAVIA and the Study Commission.

Lukas Köhler
Study course: Transportation Economics (Bachelor)
Semester: 1
I’m Lukas, 20 years old, and originally from southern Hesse.
In my free time I like to play table tennis.
At home I’m politically and civil societally engaged.
I got to know the FSR during the ESE and was persuaded to come to the meetings.
I was particularly fascinated there by what the FSR can do and how it supports
us in our everyday student life. That’s why I would like to get involved
and help improve our shared studying experience.
Thank you for reading

Magnus Markert
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Semester: 3
my name is Magnus and I’m from Chemnitz, a town near Dresden.
I’ve been active in the FSR for a year now and am one of your student representatives on the VIW examination board, moreover I work in various ressorts, including the ESE. I would be glad if you give me the opportunity to continue representing your interests by voting for me 🙂

Moritz Schmid
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Semester: 3
Hi everyone,
I’m Moritz and I’m now in my 3rd semester at the TU Dresden. I was already able to spend the past year as a member of the FSR and get involved in all sorts of events and other odds and ends. And I would like to do this for a second year.
In the coming year I would also like to engage in the organization of events and committee work. It would be important to me that university life is (even) better for everyone and that the student side is taken into account as much as possible in faculty decisions.
So I would be delighted if you went to vote. Even more so if you put a cross next to me 🙂

Niclas Rentschler
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Specialisation: VPL
Semester: 11
For a social, tolerant, cosmopolitan and climate-friendly campus!
I would like to work with you to ensure that we advance these goals in all areas of the campus! This includes, for example, preventing the construction of a planned parking garage (to be financed by millions of taxpayers’ money, while there is no money for many other projects), introducing parking space management, procuring fair trade and climate-friendly products and supporting the Dresden walking and cycling referendum.
If you have any ideas, questions, concerns or requests of any kind, please do not hesitate to contact me:
+491757490206 (Signal, WhatsApp, Telegram)
Together we can create the change 😉

Patrick Hübner
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Semester: 3
Hello everyone,
I’m Patrick, I was already active in the “Dunstkreis” of the FSR last year and organized the summer mixer for you, among several other things. Together with other FSR members, I am currently planning the Traffic Jam – your big semester party.
With my commitment, I want to help to ensure that the FSR is and remains an attractive point of contact for all students and can thus reach even more students.
It is important to me that the great things in student life, the FSR offers you, can continue to take place in the future. For example, I would like to make sure that we continue to develop the Traffic Jam and the summer mixer for you even further.
I would like to continue all my work next year and implement new ideas – this time preferably as an elected member.
Therefore I´m looking forward to your vote(s)!

Philipp Zimmermann
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Specialisation: VPL
Semester: 5
You know me. If you don‘t know me, vote for me to get to know me.

Phillipp Saalfeld
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Specialisation: EVS
Semester: 5
studying is a bit like an electric motor… Imagine you are an electron. You arrive at university full of anticipation and eagerly await the tasks that await you next. A constant stream of unexpected difficulties and resistances occasionally ignites an energised state of space around your desk that harbours unpredictable forces. Instead of carrying out your work in a straight line, you are distracted and thrown to the side, the wall seems to crush you. In the next moment of calm you are pulled to the other side, there is still something to do here too. A constant up and down and left and right… The engine is turning.
To prevent the engine of study from over-revving, we have to regulate the flow of tasks and occasionally put a stop to it, even switch it off from time to time. I would like to continue to work towards this in the future and take responsibility for your voice.
Thank you very much!

Rohan Gajbhiye
Study course: Air Transport and Logistics
Semester: 1
Why to vote for me?
*Will work for bringing welfare to students and society.
*Will volunteer to help every student with their study and other problems.
*Aim to lead innovative projects in Aerospace.
About me-
An Aerospace Engineer ( ex – GE Aerospace, Ex- TATA aerospace and Defense)
Also Previously,
Lead motorsports team and SAE student chairman

Viktor Lüdecke
Study course: Transportation Engineering
Semester: 1
Hi everyone, I’m Viktor (20) from Dresden.
Victor (current FSR-speaker) is looking for a successor. Vote me to confuse people!
Of course, you can come to me with your problems at any time, I should know what I’m doing as I used to be a class representative.
When I’m not on campus, you will find me climbing, operating the boiler on a steam locomotive or at the park railways in Dresden and Leipzig.
I’m looking forward to your votes!