In this year’s election, you voted 20 students to the Transport Sciences Student Council. You can find them below.
For more detailed information on the members, scroll down this page. They are presented in the order shown above, sorted alphabetically by the first names of the candidates.

Aaron Max Ebmeyer
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
specialization: —
Immatriculation year: 2022
Hey everyone,
I now have almost a year of FSR behind me. The focus of my
work this year has been on public relations and the ESE. I’m still motivated to work on the next events for you so that you can have an unforgettable student life outside of lectures! When I’m not at the university, you can find me on the soccer field as a referee or on the train.
I’d be delighted if you gave me the chance to continue my involvement. With this in mind, come to the election and enjoy a mulled wine!

Arthur Suckow
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2022
Hi I’m Arthur, etc. etc. I’ll spare you the usual blah blah and instead give you a few suggestions for activities that could improve your day:
To hug a tree
To sleep in
To catch snowflakes with your mouth
To feed the birds
Leting the FSR help you
Our goal in the FSR is to improve your university life, that‘s why I want to candidate for you for the second time! So please support us by voting for me or someone you think is more capable than me. And have a nice day : )

Björn Tammo Wagenknecht
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2023

Fabian Rudolph
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: BAS-TEL
Jahrgang: 2021
Yes, I decided to do a third year in the FSR.
Many things have affected our faculty over the past year. A falling number of students, suspended modules, internationalisation, new study regulations and the development of a new Bachelor’s degree have kept us busy and, but I’m still happy to be able to represent the student perspective in a worthy manner.
But the balance to everyday university life must not be neglected either, because the beer tap must be better at the next summer party!
So please feel free to drop me a vote.

Jacob Kallert
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2022
Hello everyone,
I’m Jacob and I’m now in my 3rd semester of transportation engineering.
This year I organized the freshman orientation (ESE) for you and also helped organizing many other events.
Additionally I am a member of the study commission for the engineering courses, where I try to improve your study situation.
This year I would like to develop together with you new ways to involve more international students in our FSR.
But now I don’t want to bother you any more and I hope that you will vote and perhaps make me happy with your vote.
Thank you very much

Jakob Eichholz
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: SYS-BÖV
Jahrgang: 2021
Hey, I’m Jakob and I’ve been a member of the student council for two years now!
I am currently responsible for all finances in the FSR. I take care of all the
payments and ensure that your money is handled responsibly. Because in case
you didn’t know, 90ct of your semester fee goes to us every semester, which we
use to partially finance all our events. If you have any ideas for new
events or other questions, I’m always happy to listen and help 😉
Furthermore, in the FSR I make sure that our events are as sustainable
as possible, and I have also introduced a hardship regulation for our Erstihütte!
I would be very happy if I could do this for another year and would
be happy to have your vote.

Jannis Raabe
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: BAS-BÖV
Jahrgang: 2021
Hello everybody,
it’s already been a little while since my own ESE, but helping out as a tutor there last year brought me to the FSR. After a year of working with the group, which I really enjoyed, I would now like to run as a candidate.
As I did last year, I would like to continue to work mostly in the background to ensure that various services run as usual and to contribute to the organization of events.
So, please put one or more marks next to my name so that I and the FSR can make your time here at the faculty as pleasant as possible!

Karsten-William Müller
Study course: Verkehrswirtschaft
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2023
My name is Karsten, I’m 21 years old, I study Transportation Economics on Bachelor in my 1st semester and I come from the beautiful Magdeburg. Like you, I came into contact with the FSR for the first time through the ESE. Since then I have attended an FSR meeting of interest and have not missed one! Over time, I finally decided to run for the FSR myself.
As a student of Transportation Economics on Bachelor, I want to be a direct connecting link between the students of my course of my study and the FSR and as a contact person for the students of Transportation Economics on Bachelor. Inside of the FSR I want to participate on the organizational and the financial planning.
That’s why I would be very happy if you put your trust in me!
Glück Auf!

Lea Neumann
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2022
My name is Lea, I am studying transportation engineering and I am currently in my third semester. I am also a member of this year‘s students council. As such, I have worked on the summaries of the meetings, participated in organizing parts of this year‘s freshman orientation and helped out in a few other spots. I took a liking to that, so I‘d love to continue, improve and expand my work here.
And that is why I need your vote 🙂

Lennart Wille
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2023
Hi everyone!
My name is Lennart, I am 20 years old and moved here from Bremen, where I did a voluntary year in politics.
I would like to become member of the FSR. As a member, I want to be a strong representative of students´ interest in the evolving process of our faculty. I would like to organize great events and I want to keep the FSR as a place you can find help with any question or problem.
Please vote! And if you vote for me, I´d be very glad!

Lisa Iden
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2023

Lukas Gosch
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2023
Hello everyone,
I’m Lukas and I’ve just started my degree in transport engineering this year. I really enjoyed the ESE with the different events and this made me decide to get involved there. I would like to contribute to the planning of these.
I would be very happy if you would vote.

Magnus Markert
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2023
My name is Magnus. I am from Chemnitz (a town near Dresden) and studying Traffic Engineering in the 1rst semester. Since I was a child, I am interested in railways. In my free time I like to read and to build Bluebrixx/LEGO. During my time in school I engaged as the class speaker many years and want to use this experience to represent your interests. Therefore I candidate for the FSR.
As a member of the FSR I want to organize more events for international students, especially during the orientation week, so that you get to know Dresden and Germany better.
I would be glad if you give me the opportunity to represent your interests by voting for me. 🙂

Maximilian Kittel
Study course: Bahnsystemingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2022
Hello everyone,
I am Maximilian Kittel and have been studying at TU Dresden since the winter semester of 2022. Before that, I completed my bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering for Railway Systems at the University of Applied Sciences in Erfurt, where I was involved in the student council.
Since the beginning of my studies in Dresden, I have been active in FSR Verkehr (our student council), and I would like to continue representing your interests as an elected member in the coming year. A primary concern of my work is to achieve a balance among the diverse interests within our student body. Thereby, I aim to create an environment where everyone can study happily and effectively. We are already on a good path, but there is still room for improvement .
I would greatly appreciate your trust and your vote.

Moritz Schmid
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2023
Moin und Servus,
My name is Moritz, I’m 19 years old and originally from a village in Lower Bavaria.
Like many others, the ESE was both my first contact with the FSR as well as my start into student life. And what a nice start it was. I was also very impressed by the other services that the FSR offers for problems of all kinds.
All of this is what I find so exciting about working in the FSR. By organizing events and helping with problems making studying easier and more enjoyable for everyone. So far, I’ve already tried to do this by taking part in committees or attending FSR meetings and would like to get involved as an official member.
With a cross in my favor you would make me very happy 🙂
But above all, go and vote, it’s important!

Nicolas Reuter
Study course: Bahnsystemingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2023
I’m 26, originally from a small town in the Taunus, and have been active in the Students Council for a few years now. I would like to continue my projects in the Students Council (IT, website, development of software for events and the like).
As an ex-transport economics student, I am also a member of the relevant study commission and the examination board.
For me, university politics means doing a lot and living with the fact that not everything you want can be implemented. As the “lowest” level of university politics, the Students Council is best placed to understand the problems and wishes of the students.
I am a rather solitary person and hope to be able to continue to represent the interests of this student group.

Nora Mendieta
Study course: Bahnsystemingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2022

Philipp Zimmermann
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2022
Hello everyone, my Name is Philipp, and I am from Lindau near the beautiful Lake Constance. I´ve been working with the FSR since the beginning of this year and recently moved up to be a member. Next year I´d like to be a member from the Beginning of the year, to work in your interests and vote according to your wishes.
I would be happy if you vote.
And even more Happy if you vote for me.

Phillipp Saalfeld
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2022
Hello, I´m Phillipp with three „P“ and two „L“.
Elect me! .. or let it be.
Have a nice Day!

Siddharth Sharma
Study course: Air Transport and Logistics
Vertiefung: —
Jahrgang: 2023
Hey there!
I’m Siddharth Sharma from India, passionate about music and Sports and of course Air transportation. During ESE i got to know a few Members of the FSR and about the work that they do. This highlighted the potential to assist my fellow students, especially international ones, within our faculty. I see myself as a bridge between students and faculty, eager to collaborate on addressing issues related to the course curriculum and other matters. I enjoy working in a team and have numerous ideas to enhance the student experience here at the “FRIEDRICH LIST” FACULTY OF TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC SCIENCES.
I‘ll be looking forward to get elected by you.
Best regards,
Siddharth Sharma

Victor Nitzsche
Study course: Verkehrsingenieurwesen
Vertiefung: VPL
Jahrgang: 2021
Hey everyone!
This year is the third time I run for the FSR. In the last two years, I was involved in the organisation of many events like the ESE (freshman orientation) or our summer party. I would like to continue this work, also proposing new ideas and not fearing changes.
It is my aim that every student, regardless of his/her programme, gender or language may benefit from the work of the FSR so everyone can get assistance in questions concerning the organization of your studies and everyone is welcome at our FSR events.
In the last year, I also represented the FSR as a spokesperson, for example towards the faculty management or some teachers. In discussions with them I stand up for the improvement of our studies.
To continue this, I’m looking forward to your votes!