As every year, after the student council elections, the committees for the next term will be filled at the constituent meeting of the student council on 9 January 2023. And as always, you are invited to stand for one of the various committees and offices, even and especially if you are not elected to the FSR.
Committees/offices to be filled:
- StuRa representative and StuRa substitute representative (one person each)
- Study Commission Verkehrsingenieurwesen, Bahnsystemingenieruwesen, Luftverkehr und Logistik and Elektrische Verkehrssysteme (six persons)
- Study Commission Verkehrswirtschaft and Transportation Economics (six persons)
- Examination Board Bahnsystemingenieurwesen (two persons)
- Examination Board Elektrische Verkehrssysteme (two persons)
- Examination Board Luftverkehr und Logistik (two persons)
- Examination Board Transportation Economics (one person)
- Examination Board Verkehrsingenieurwesen (one person)
- Examination Board Verkehrswirtschaft Bachelor (one person)
- Examination Board Verkehrswirtschaft Master (one person)
- Institute Council Verkehrsplanung und Straßenverkehr (two persons)
- Institute Council Wirtschaft und Verkehr (two persons)
In addition to this, you can also apply for the FSR spokesperson or finance office. However, you must be an elected FSR member.
Registration for these committees will take place again this year via OPAL. It is possible until 09.01.2023 at 7 pm (one hour before the start of the meeting). When you register, you will also find descriptions of the respective positions so that you can already see how the respective committees work and what they are responsible for.
For further information, we are always happy to help you in person at the FSR office or by e-mail.
We are looking forward to your candidatures!