How to understand the timetable?
On this page we will try to help you to be in the know of your timetable. So here are the three most important key points to understand it:

Quick access:
Key point 1: Which timetable is important to me?
In the upper right corner of your timetable you can see the designator of the timetable in the format a/b/c/d. These variables are explained in the following table:
a | Year of immatriculation (example: 2008) |
b | Semester of study (example: 1st) |
c | Course of study (example: Verkehrsingenieurwesen) |
d | Number of group (example: 1) |
Variable Course of study
For the course of study (variable c) the following abbreviations are in place:
BA/VWI | Verkehrswirtschaft, Bachelor |
BAS/BANL | Verkehrsingenieurwesen, Bahnsysteme, Schwerpunkt Bahnanlagen und Bahnbau |
BAS/BS+TEL | Verkehrsingenieurwesen, Bahnsysteme, Schwerpunkt Bahnsicherung und -telematik |
BAS/ÖPNV | Verkehrsingenieurwesen, Bahnsysteme, Schwerpunkt Bahnbetrieb und Öffentlicher Personennahverkehr |
BSI | Bahnsystemingenieurwesen, Master |
BSI/BANL | Bahnsystemingenieurwesen, Vertiefung Bahnanlagen und Bahnbau |
BSI/BB | Bahnsystemingenieurwesen, Vertiefung Bahnbetrieb |
BSI/BS+TEL | Bahnsystemingenieurwesen, Vertiefung Bahnsicherung und -telematik |
BSI/ÖPNV | Bahnsystemingenieurwesen, Vertiefung Öffentlicher Personennahverkehr |
MA/VWI | Verkehrswirtschaft, Master |
SYS/ÖPNV | Verkehrsingenieurwesen, Verkehrssystemtechnik und Logistik, Schwerpunkt Bahn- und ÖPN-Verkehr |
SYS/LU | Verkehrsingenieurwesen, Verkehrssystemtechnik und Logistik, Schwerpunkt Luftverkehr |
VIW | Verkehrsingenieurwesen, 1.–4. Semester |
VIW/EVS | Verkehrsingenieurwesen, Planung und Betrieb elektrischer Verkehrssysteme |
VIW/TEL | Verkehrsingenieurwesen, Verkehrstelematik |
VIW/VPL | Verkehrsingenieurwesen, Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrstechnik |
Variable group number (only VIW)
The field group number (variable d) was formerly used as a division into different groups of exercises. Nowadays the groups of exercise are managed by the lecturers individually. So there is only one timetable for all students of a semester.
Advice: Different documents exist, where additional groups of exercises are displayed.
Key point 2: Which time, which date?
The standard class times are the usual times of classes at TU Dresden. However, there are a few exceptions which will be published by the lecturers individually (usually not for our courses of study).
The standard class times are divided into “Doppelstunden (DS)” (double hours). One double hour equals two “Semesterwochenstunden (SWS)” (number of hours held per week). A class with 4 SWS (see Documents) will therefore be held two times a week. A class with 1 SWS will only be held once every two weeks.
One DS is similar to 90 minutes of lecture. So the following time pattern is effective:
1. DS | 7:30am – 9:00am |
2. DS | 9:20am – 10:50am |
3. DS | 11:10am – 12:40pm |
4. DS | 13:00pm – 14:30pm |
5. DS | 14:50pm – 16:20pm |
6. DS | 16:40pm – 18:10pm |
7. DS | 18.30pm – 20:00pm |
Classes may be held weekly, every two weeks or at singular dates (“Blockveranstaltungen”). For the first two cases the rule of “gerade Woche” and “ungerade Woche” (even and uneven weeks) is in place. This works as follows:
1. Woche | = | uneven week | = | uneven number of calendar week |
2. Woche | = | even week | = | even number of calendar week |
As a service of FSR Verkehr you may find the current at our homepage.
Key point 3: What is my class?
For every (even/uneven) week and every double hours (see explanations above) a class may be visible in your timetable. The three lines of every cell have the following meanings:
1st Line | Lecturer |
2nd Line | Name of the class |
3rd Line | Venus/room |
1st Line
The lecturer annotated in the timetable, is the person in charge for the class formally. Sometimes the class will be held by another person by attorney without further notice. The following place holders may be used:
u. a. | and others |
N. N. | person to be named |
TUTOR | a student tutor |
2nd Line
This line is divided into 3 fields a b c. Some external classes are excepted from this rule.
Field a indicates the type of the class, using the following abbreviations:
1st letter | | 2nd letter | |
V | Vorlesung (Lecture) | O | obligatorisch (mandatory) |
Ü | Übung (Exercise) | W | wahlobligatorisch (compulsory optional) |
P | Praktikum (Practical class) | F | fakultativ (optional) |
The first and second letter may be combined freely. The difference between W and F is as follows: Of all classes with W some have to be chosen. The classes with F are not mandatory in the course of study. Sometimes those may be used as general studies.
Field b is the actual name of the class. Theoretically this should be the same as in the official documents. However in practice there is a variety of abbreviations to not extend the width of the columns too much.
Field c is an acronym of the faculty providing the class. The following acronyms are used:
BIW | Bauingenieurwesen | Civil Engineering |
EuI | Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
INF | Informatik | Computer Science |
JF | Juristische Fakultät | Faculty of Law |
MA | Mathematik | Mathematics |
MW | Maschinenwesen | Mechanical Science and Engineering |
PHY | Physik | Physics |
VW | Verkehrswissenschaften „Friedrich List“ | Transport and Traffic Science |
WW | Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Business and Economics |
3rd Line
This line provides information on where the class is hold. The line is structured like a/b/c, meaning the following:
a | Building |
b | Room number |
c | Type of toom |
The room number (b) is not necessarily structured logically in a building. The Campus-Navigator gives a detailed overview of every building and helps to find a way in (and hopefully out too).
We hope this page provided you will all information needed. If you have any further questions or want to clarify something, feel free to contact us.