Association meeting of the Verkehrte Welt (Hybrid)
On the first Wednesday of each month, the Listige Vereinigung Verkehrte Welt meets for its monthly association meeting.
The association “Verkehrte Welt” was founded in 2003 and has its roots in the promotion of international contact in traffic and transportation. For this purpose we organize conferences, lectures and excursions. Small excursions, such as a visit to Dresden Hauptbahnhof, take place during the semester, while we schedule our major trips abroad as well as excursions of several days in Germany and abroad during the semester break.
The meeting will take place at 6.30 pm in room POT/13 and in this BBB-Room: https://bbb.tu-dresden.de/b/jan-f1q-aqg-vpd
Point 1 Report on the alumni meeting
Point 2 20th anniversary of the Verkehrte Welt
Point 3 European student meetings
Point 4 Excursions WiSe
Point 5 Christmas party
Point 6 Association Weekend
Point 7 Picture evening „Balkan Journey
Point 8 Others
We look forward to your participation!